Does masturbating cause weight loss?

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As today’s world has evolved so much, the stress of life and work has increased with it. One of the ways of escaping this stress for a few minutes is masturbation. This practice is followed by many people, especially in their 20s and 30s. 

Masturbation has many physical and psychological benefits such as reducing stress and is often considered as a “safe sex option”. But there is a question that is gaining attention does masturbating cause weight loss?

Many people believe that they might lose weight due to masturbation or they are thin due to doing this. But this is all just a myth. Masturbating and weight loss are not related to each other and it can not help you in shedding pounds. 

Many women questions whether masturbation causes weight loss in female. We are going to address the stigma of does masturbation causes weight loss in detail in this article. To know more about the topic, keep reading!

Understanding Masturbation

There are many misconceptions about masturbation and many people don’t know the real meaning of it. Masturbation is a process of touching one’s body in a way that gives pleasure. This is a completely natural process and there is nothing right or wrong in this. 

Many people tend to attach cultural beliefs to this but it is nothing to worry about. This should be considered as a natural process, as it helps in reducing stress and feeling relaxed. What’s most important is that it feels comfortable and consensual. 

Many people tend to connect masturbation and weight loss. The most common concern of everyone who indulges in this practice is whether masturbation causes weight loss or it might make them weak. 

Many doctors even support this process and state that it is a healthy way of life when done in moderation. As it is said, excess of everything is bad. Masturbation in excess can have its own issues like irritated skin. 

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Does Masturbating Cause Weight Loss?

Some people believe that masturbation and weight loss have some connection and it can make them lose weight. But this idea is often based on myths and misconceptions. These myths and misconceptions are known to be rooted in people’s opinions. 

This is what makes them think that does masturbation causes weight loss in females. As we all know, weight loss is a complex process and is influenced by factors like diet, exercise, and metabolism. 

Masturbation itself does not burn a significant amount of calories. Nor can it help you in shedding pounds. It’s important information that sounds too good to be true but it is necessary to educate yourself on this myth. 

This is what will help you in educating yourself in making informed decisions about your well-being and weight loss. It is necessary to identify the myths that concern weight loss because they can prevent you from achieving your weight loss goals. 

The Science Behind Weight Loss

To address the question – does masturbation causes weight loss, we need to know how weight loss works and the science behind it. Weight loss is not only about activity like masturbation, it involves a combination of other factors as well. 

The most important of all is the calories burned. Weight loss occurs when the number of calories burned is more than the number of calories consumed. Many people follow calorie-restricted diets because that is the only way you can reduce fat. 

Exercising during the weight loss journey is another important thing to follow. By doing strength training, yoga, and cardio you can shed the calories that you have consumed throughout the day. 

The body’s metabolism is also a leading factor during the weight loss journey. Weight loss is all about choosing healthy habits and becoming mindful of what is good for the body. These practices can help you achieve the targets. 

Debunking the Masturbation and Weight Loss Connection

As per the studies, the experts in the field have examined the claims and myths that masturbation causes weight loss. However,  the research has revealed that there is no connection between masturbation and weight loss. 

Masturbation does not burn enough calories that can contribute significantly to weight loss. It’s essential to rely on evidence-based information while talking about crucial topics like weight loss. 

For achieving weight loss, there is no shortcut. One should follow the proper diet and workout routine to achieve it. The experts suggest that one should focus on well-being rather than relying on unproven claims that can cause harm to the body. 

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Potential Benefits of Masturbation

Masturbation is something that is a topic of privacy. However, this process holds many advantages for the human body that many people are not aware of. Here are the potential benefits of masturbation:

  1. Feel Good & Relaxed

Masturbation is said to make people feel relaxed and good. This is because it triggers the release of endorphins which are natural mood enhancers. This is why many people prefer masturbation after a tiring day. It can help in reducing stress and making you feel more relaxed. 

  1. Improved Sleep

The calming effect of masturbation helps in having a better sleep. It can help you in getting unwind and feel satisfied. Masturbation also promotes a more restful night. All the burden of the day could be relieved by this simple activity. 

  1. Pain Relief 

Many women have noticed a decrease in menstrual cramps after having an orgasm due to masturbation. This is because masturbation can alleviate muscle tension and discomfort. This can help women in their tough days by providing a sense of relief to them. 

  1. Natural and Normal

Masturbation is a natural and normal aspect of human sexuality. It is a personal choice and as long as it is done privately and does not interfere with daily life and work, it is considered as a healthy and acceptable practice. 

Promoting a Balanced Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important for one’s overall well-being. It involves making choices that keep your body and mind healthy. One of the key aspects is eating healthy food like fruits, vegetables, and proteins. 

This will help your body to get the optimum amount of nutrients that it requires. Another important thing is regular exercise. It does not have to be intense exercise, even a simple daily walk can make a big difference. 

There should be consistency in that. Getting enough sleep is also very important during the weight loss journey. It helps the body get the rest it deserves and also burns calories. When you sleep your body repairs itself. 


In conclusion, the idea that masturbating can cause weight loss is a myth. Research has shown that there is no substantial connection between masturbation and shedding pounds. Masturbation is a natural and normal process. 

It does not burn enough calories to contribute significantly to weight loss. Understanding weight loss involves a combination of factors including diet, exercise, and metabolism. There is no shortcut to achieving weight loss, it only requires a balanced approach. 

Masturbation has its own potential benefits, such as promoting relaxation, improving sleep, and providing pain relief for some individuals. It is a personal choice. A balanced lifestyle contributes to overall well-being and supports the body. 

It is important to make choices that help you in achieving your weight loss goal. Masturbation and weight loss have no link. You can only achieve weight loss by eating nutritious food, engaging in regular exercises, and having sufficient sleep. 

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

  1. Does wasting sperm cause weight loss?

Ans.  There is a misconception that by masturbating or losing the sperm you can lose weight. But it is not true. By wasting the sperm you cannot lose weight because masturbation and weight loss are not related to each other.

  1. Does masturbation increase blood pressure?

Ans. No, masturbation can not cause high blood pressure. Masturbation can temporarily make your heart beat fast and make your body heated but it cannot impact your blood pressure for a longer period of time. 

  1. How do you fight weight loss?

Ans. Fighting against weight is a tough process. But you can surely win it by making proper efforts like not skipping breakfast, having the required calories, eating healthy, cutting junk food, and exercising daily. 

  1. Why I can’t lose weight?

Ans. Weight loss happens when you put effort in it but even after putting in the effort, if you are not getting the results, you have to see a doctor or look into your weight loss program to notice if there are any issues or things left unseen. 

  1. How to lose weight slowly?

Ans. You can lose weight slowly by making your eating portions less gradually and not all of a sudden. You should also add regular exercise to your routine to see the results. This will prevent you from following rigorous diets and workout routines 

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